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This Is The History Of Beko Built In Fridge Freezer In 10 Milestones

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작성자 Hildegarde 작성일 24-01-23 15:34 조회 13 댓글 0


How to Choose a Fridge Freezer Built in 50/50

built in fridge freezer 60/40-in fridge freezers are created to serve a purpose that is invisible in your dream kitchen. These appliances have been subtly concealed by fascias with integrated fascias. They conceal lots of storage space and clever technology to keep food fresher for longer.

For instance certain models can eliminate freezing completely by the circulating of dry air to avoid the build-up of frost. Some models even reduce frost using low frost technology.


A refrigerator freezer is an appliance used in kitchens that allows households to store and preserve fresh foods and drinks in their own room and away from other food items to ensure hygiene. They come in different sizes and colours and come with features that make them easier to use.

For instance, certain models come with a pantry drawer that can be adjusted for temperatures and humidity. This is perfect to keep wine, party trays or frozen vegetables in top condition. Some models come with the option of a cheese or salad drawer which can be adjusted to the ideal temperature for the type of food. Certain models come with a fast-freeze feature that reduces the temperature automatically when you add food items into the freezer.

Another excellent feature is a digital display powered by batteries, which means the fridge will continue to function even in an interruption in power. Some refrigerators feature a cold accumulating block to keep the fridge cooler for longer, and an outlet for draining to make it easy for removal of water during defrosting. Look out for fridges with separate controls, too which will allow you to alter the temperature of each compartment separately in case you need to. Certain fridges have a holiday setting that shuts off the freezer but ensures that the refrigerator is running so you can still take advantage of frozen food items when you're away.


The fridge freezers that are integrated are designed to blend in in your dream kitchen, hidden behind subtle facias. However, they come with a wealth of smart technology. They're sturdy, cost-effective, and packed with features that help your food last longer, including intelligent cooling technologies such as BioFresh and VitaFresh+.

Basic integrated fridge freezers keep a constant temperature, but higher quality models have a more sophisticated temperature control. You can even set the freezer or fridge in degrees Celsius. Certain models have a separate drawer to store fish and meat at a lower temperature which improves preservation. They also have separate compartments for storing vegetables and fruits in a lower humidity that prevents them from becoming spongy or rotting faster.

Our top range of integrated refrigerator freezers from brands like Bosch, Siemens Beko, Hotpoint, and Neff include all of these features, plus many other kitchen-enhancing innovations. Some models, for instance come with a door alarm that informs you when the freezer or refrigerator doors were opened without intention. Some are frost free and can be defrosted completely by moving dry air through the appliance, so that any ice that forms melts and evaporates in a controlled manner.

It's important to check that the new appliance has the same split type as the previous one, so that the doors of the cupboard fit. Also, you'll need to leave a few centimetres on the back of the appliance for the sockets or pipes that need connecting.

Energy efficiency

The energy rating of a fridge freezer indicates how much energy it uses to keep food cool. The higher the rating, the more efficient the fridge freezer. Select models that have the highest energy efficiency. AO compares energy ratings and shows you how much it will cost to run a particular model every year.

The range of AO's smart models includes models that have WiFi connectivity. They can be connected to your smartphone, allowing you set notifications to remind you to remove food items before the alarm goes off and also create custom recipes. These fridges also have useful features like the ability to crisp salads, and LED lighting inside the refrigerator compartment.

Another handy feature Another great feature Holiday mode. It keeps the fridge at the lower temperature and also reduces the energy consumption when you're away.

Select an integrated model like the Montpellier MIFF502 if you wish to maximize storage space while preserving energy efficiency. It can be integrated into your cabinetry, giving your kitchen a sleek, minimalist style. The fridge section features an adjustable glass shelf that can be reversible and the front door can be reversed and the freezer has drawers with a chest design that allow for flexibility. The freezer is also energy efficient with a quick-chill feature and super-frost for speedy cooling. This makes vegetables and meat fresher for longer and helps reduce the accumulation of frost, which makes cleaning easier. LG's NatureFresh Technology, which keeps the fridge cool, while moving air throughout the fridge, and a Fresh Balancer that adjusts humidity levels for vegetables and fruits, are also ingenious.


If you're searching for a fridge freezer that is indesit built in fridge freezer 50/50 and will not require extensive installation, look for appliances from a brand that has a long-lasting warranty. LG and Samsung provide warranties on refrigerator compressors for up to 10 years and GE provides water filters for a period of 30 days. Bosch and Beko have frost-free refrigerators that don't require to defrost, making them an ideal option for busy homeowners.

The average fridge freezer can last 12 to 14 years. Regular maintenance and addressing any issues immediately when they arise will extend the life of the appliance. Modern kitchen appliances are designed to make life easier by doing a durable, steady job. For example, integrated fridges like the Bosch KIN85NSF0G integrate fridge freezers and conceal refrigeration behind cupboard doors. It has a capacity of 1.5 litres (net) for the fridge and 99 litres for the freezer.

When you're looking to buy a fridge freezer, be sure to look over the warranty offered by the manufacturer and compare it with the warranties offered by home warranty firms. Many of these warranties include repairs that allow you to fix appointments with trained technicians close to your home. A refrigerator warranty can help you save time and money on appliance repairs. You can also purchase extended warranties for other major appliances and systems in your home.

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